Our Rules: Leave nothing but footprints.
Take nothing but pictures. Kill nothing but time.
When I started my company, I had been working as a trekking guide for over fifteen years around northern Thailand. During my time working in several trekking companies, I could not find a place practicing real eco-tourism. I discovered there were no real guidelines for what they call “eco-tourism”. Right now, the term “eco-tourism” is mainly used as a way of marketing.
That is why I set up my company, for people who share the same thought and are concerned about human rights. Deep in my heart, I would like to bring people together who are keen to learn about hill tribe lifestyle and culture, and to travel strictly within the guidelines of responsible tourism, to preserve and prepare for other people and the younger generation. In this way you can learn deeply through nature and the people you visit on the journey.
My main priority is to show visitors to Thailand how hill tribe communities interact, and how they live simply but happily in harmony with nature. The idea is to enjoy good trekking: for those who want not only to have fun but also wish to see real tropical forest, jungle, caves, waterfalls and hill tribe communities. We travel in small groups and ensure that you have an experienced English-speaking trekking guide, who has the right mindset and can share with you a deep knowledge of hill tribes and their environment.
We have been in the trekking business for more than 20 years and lead the way in the practice of real eco-tourism. There are many imitators; we are among the first eco trekking providers here in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Try our Eco-trekking! The style of the trek is more basic than “what they call non-tourist trek”, but the experience is both authentic and memorable.